Thursday, February 12, 2009

Winter Blues

Winter is a beautiful time of year, seeing the untouched snow, is absolutely amazing. And besides the cold, winter is actually nice.

Many people suffer from a depression, or depression symptoms that occur only during the winter, or worsen during the winter. Some would say it doesnt really exist or that people are just being dramatic.

Winter Blues, or whatever its medical term is, is an actual ailment. It exists. Dont doubt it.

Winter is a hard time of year for many people. I have seen my mom go through the winter blues every year. The winter always seems to be the worst time of year for her.

This year, I think it may have hit me too. The past few weeks, I have been very standoffish, so to speak, I have kept to me myself and my family, which isnt too unusual, but I have been feeling depressed, and I have felt a tremendous pressure on me (not a physical pressure, just an emotional one) Its hard to explain.

Times are tough all over the nation for everyone. And they seem to be getting only tougher. We are doing the best we can with what we have, but the pressure and stress sometimes gets to you.

I try my best not to let stress get to me at all, it doesnt work most of the time, because I am a pretty tightly wound person. Its just part of who I am. But I have also done my best to not let it show. Which sadly I have done a pretty good job of.

Anyway this week with my child being sick on top of all of this, has put me in more of a funk than I have been in, or so it feels to me, but I have also decided I needed to wake up and pull myself out, for family, for friends, for those who need me and who believe in me.

Winter blues exist people, dont let them get to you, and if they do, dont let them pull you down. And dont do what I have done, and stop emailing, talking to, and doing all that stuff. Especially if email is the only contact you have with certain people.

I am sorry for it. BUt I am doing my best to work through it.

I love you guys!

1 comment:

mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

I am sorry you are going though this, I do know it is real, my grandma got sad every winter, I being as weird as I am, tend to get more "blah" during the summer, I think its because of the heat and the fact that it is too damn hot to do anyting but sit infront of the ac...I am thinking of you and love will get better, even if its not till spring, it will get better...if there is anything I can do please let me know...xoxo