Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Recently Realized

I have been under a lot of stress lately, as well as very irritable, and little things seem to set me off. Everyone has those times, I am not imagining it.

I have been having a really hard time sleeping lately, no big deal or so it seems, because I have never really slept well, only it is a big deal, I am MORE tired all the dang time waking up at 2 in the morning, just about every morning, and waking up at 12 this morning, What fun! I do manage to fall back asleep for like 15 minutes or so, then I am awake again, laying there trying to go back to sleep. It really sucks.

But the reason for this blog entry, my sister just wrote a blog not to long ago about what makes her tick. And after all this stuff going on, recent events made me want to write this blog and tell you something that really REALLY irritates me.

I have known for years, that people putting words in my mouth or volunteering me for something really aggravates me. But lately it has been getting under my skin more and more.

For Example, I like going on walks, and I do not mind taking my daughter and one of her friends with me when I go, however, one of her other friends, this past weekend, assumed I didnt mind, and NEVER asked me if it was alright if she went. Asked their parent if it was okay if they could go, and then I had to take them. The whole time they whined, and complained. And really got under my skin. I am not wrong in being irritated, I was not asked if this person could come in the first place. I was not asked if I wanted to go on a walk. I was told I was going on a walk (twice this week in fact) and then was told this child was coming along.
If you want to come along FINE, ASK ME, and if I say its okay, then ask your parent. Thats my point!

Another example my daughter came up to me Monday told me "we wanna go on a walk, lets go, and her (not inserting names) mom wont take us" There was NO, "Mom can you please go on a walk with us," No, "Mom we'd like to go on a walk, can you go with us" And more importantly no thank you in the end. More irritation ensues.

Breaking point. (hahah yeah its funny) Two days ago I was told there is a dance at my childs school coming up. No big deal. I was not told she wanted to go, she never said a word to me about going, until after she was asked by her dad if she wanted to go. THEN I was told I could take her. Not asked, not anything.

Ok, so maybe I am a bit overboard, but I do not like and will not be taken advantage of. I am a pretty nice person I think, and have a very giving heart. I am willing to do anything for friends and family. BUT ASK! DONT ASSUME.

Dont just think that because I am willing to do anything, that you can volunteer me to do something, without putting it across me first!

Oh yeah, I also to not like being talked Rude to, or being ignored. HA! Thus the main reason for a lot of the stress. Wont go into that, have done enough ranting for now

Yeah I am crabby, BFD, give me a break, I havent slept a lot lately, and everyone who knows me knows how Pleasant I am when I dont sleep.

And dont tell me to get over it. I am justified in feeling this way.


mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

I am sorry you are not sleeping, and i am really sorry that people assume that you will do things with out asking you first. You are a mom, someone to be valued and treasured, you are not a machine, and as far as I am concerned the mom should have asked you ( weather on the phone or in person) if you minded taking their child with you...

Its A Frogs Life said...

I completely agree. And the child, (though through her mom gets everything she wants) should have asked me as well. its not too much to ask I dont think.
I do not mind doing things, And more than likely will IF I AM ASKED, but you dont ask and expect me to do it, then it makes me feel well like a machine and used too.