Monday, November 22, 2010

Long Time

So it has been a VERY long time since my last post, but things have been crazy since my last post.

Visiting my family and my first time(s) on a plane were not so bad. Is it something I would venture again probably, but I would probably be as worried if not more when getting on a plane again.
Heights and small spaces just arent my best of friends.

This year has been insane, starting the entire year, but finally some stress has gone, no details of course and no names either, but I am glad things are coming back to a sense of normalcy and that is a huge help in my stress levels.

Since I am the type that overly stresses to begin with, it is a big help that things are returning to a "normal" place.

I miss my family very much, but always do and I hope they know that.

This year I have put a lot of focus into my daughters school and helping out there. I have helped every year, which I am thankful I am able to do. But I enjoy working (or my form there of) at the school. Its a great thing.

Clubs and more clubs this year but that is perfectly fine with me, it keeps the little one busy and allows her to be around some of her friends more often which I am thankful for.
With everything that happened in the summer of 09 after our return from California, I am glad that she has this this school year to do.

Best of wishes to all for the remaining of this year! and much love.

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