Thursday, January 1, 2009


Its not a secret that I dont care to go to the doctor, its not that I dont like doctors, because I have a very good friend that is a doctor, and she is wonderful.
What I dont like is most doctors I have come across, in the treatment of myself or my family.
It basically started when I was 13, I went to a neurologist, who amazingly told me, I had acne (which I knew) and Migraines (which I also knew, because they are horrible) While he gave me some medicine for them, learning to stop them before they start is something that is completely impossible, because I have so many triggers that are completely unavoidable.
Not just that, but most doctors I have seen have only told me things I already knew, like a few years ago, when I went to the hospital because I had swollen up because of a mosquito bite that had swollen to the size of a softball, well the point is, all they told me at the hospital, is that I am allergic, which I knew.
I am not a know it all, I am not brilliant, but I know what the heck I am talking about the majority of the time, but none of those doctors listened to what I had to say and took me seriously, and then only told me what I already knew, and had just told them, which is completely irritating.

Anyway, I write that because yesterday I had the most frustrating event of all happen. However it started the night before, My hubby got a bloody nose, and because of a few of the meds he is on, and because we couldnt get it to stop, we went to the hospital, the doctor at the hospital as semi nice, he told us to go to the nose surgeon and have them remove the packing the next day (new years eve) so I called the doctor on New Years Eve, and the doctor was a COMPLETE ASS, to put it mildly, I talked to him on the phone, and he was very rude, and all but called me stupid. In the way he spoke to me, not only pissed me off, but I felt like he was belittling me and that he felt superior. I told him what the er doctor said that he was supposed to have the packing removed that day and he told me, "I dont care what the doctor said, I will not remove the packing." And while I type it it doesnt seem as completely rude and mean spirited as it actually was, the tone of voice he had completely bewhildered me and my daughter who was sitting next to me listening to the conversation.
We had to go in to see him, because hubby is in a lot of pain and discomfort. So we got to the doctor's office, and we had to wait an hour and a half after the scheduled appointment time. I think having to wait more than 30 minutes is completely assinine. But we finally got called back. The doctor nor the nurses made any appology for his tardiness, and the nurse that typed everything up was rude, and when the doctor finally came him he was really rude too. He dismissed everything hubby and I had to say, again belittled us and talked over us. He stood with his back to me, and to the side of hubby, and when I asked him a question, he refused to look at me, and stared at the wall, or closed his eyes when he answered my question, again talking to me and hubby like we were stupid. Hubby asked him to remove the packing in his nose, the doctor refused, being an ass he told us, "If I remove it it will bleed again, I am not taking it out" (although he told me over the phone he could and clean and replace the packing) " And it will not come out until At the earliest Friday." He also went on to tell us that the dr in the ER was dumb (not in so many words) for not putting hubby on pain pills and antibiotics.

But get this, When we were in the ER, the dr was looking up Hubby's nose, he made clear mention of the fact that "Whoever did this surgery on your nose, mucked with something they shouldnt have it looks like." And he also said that the side of the nose that the surgery was meant to be done on didnt look like it had been done.

The doctor we saw on New Years eve was not the doctor who did the surgery, it was one of his partners, and maybe he was trying to cover his buddies butt, I dont know, but it is ridiculous.

Now, on to something else, yeah this isnt my usual form of writing, its actually a lot more venting, because I needed a form to release this stress on my shoulders.

I know not all doctors are this way, hubby has a great physician, daughter has a pretty cool dentist, and hubby has an okay cardiologist. And like I said, I have a great friend who is a doctor and a good one, so I know that there are good ones out there.

Just as I say this, its not just doctors, its people in general who think that they are superior to anyone that really ticks me off. And I know there are a lot of them out there, because whether it be my fortune or not, I have come across several of those types of people.

I dont care what people think of me, or whether or not they like me, but I treat everyone the way I would like to be treated, kindly and with the benifit of a doubt (respect, like trust, is not freely given, it MUST be earned). I tend to think of myself as a kind person, I would do almost anything for almost anyone. (depending on what it is and who you are to me)

Point being NO ONE deserves to be treated or talked to like they are stupid, (even if the person is or acts that way) Yeah we live in a world ful of Mo-Rons, but I will not talk to someone or treat someone in that manner.
I know I know, I am not a people person, but I am not outright rude to people.

Especially if my carreer was one in which I worked with people all the time, or if I was a physician, regardless of if it is a holiday or not, I would do my best to not treat people in that manner.

Okay, so that is enough of that....Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

I am so sorry you guys are having trouble with Dr.'s...I wish there was something I could do ( like maybe a swift kick in his ass)...and if the ER doc said they operated on the wrong side of the nose then maybe you should really look into that...( I know you have probably already thought of that...but it concerns me...)

Hope it all get better for you guys and that the pain in the ass Dr. has to deal with someone that treats him the way he treated you guys...xoxo