Thursday, February 19, 2009

Online Games

No, not online gaming, just games that are online....more specifically myspace apps is what I am talking about.

I am very opinionated, no doubt about it right?! Well I have tried many many of the apps off of myspace, and let me tell ya something, its funny, none of the apps have managed to keep my attention for very long, none except for Super Poke Pets. I have played upwards of 30 applications/games off of that website, and only SPP has managed to keep my attention for a long time. The only game I still have besides that one is Mafia Wars, and that is only because I have recruited so many people on it... But SPP is the main game I play. :)
(imagine an evil laugh here)

So, to explain, its a virtual pet, not like super pets in some ways, because you can not fight other pets, but you can play with other pets, and you can design your own habitat, and collect things on there. It is a great game, and sadly, kind of addictive. I have found myself spending a lot of time on there trying to get this or that or the other. Not being able to completely find all I am looking for, because they sold out or were retired a long time ago, and no one wants to part with them, unless you have gold items (which costs real cash btw) And I can not spend our money on that. But the game is fun, decorating rooms and the sort. Every Thursday they come out with new items, and you earn coins by playing with other peoples pet, as well as your own. Its fun. I have gotten the little one into playing it, and she has adopted two pets, plus we have one on hubby's account as well.

So, here is a snapshot of my current habitat. I just wanted to share it, because I am quite amused with this game, and think its pretty fun and wonderful!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

If you would like to play the game find it in the myspace app gallery, or click on my pet and add it....its really grrreat I tell ya.... And ADDICTING...

Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I am an SPP addict.

Hello my name is Jennifer, and I am a Tammy Fan CLUB Member....


1 comment:

mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

Welcome to the club my friend...and I am adding spp within the sounds like a cute, fun game...